We learned a lot last season when it comes to flag football.  Mostly when it comes to ages of players.  Football is a complicated sport and there is a big difference between 1st graders and 3rd graders. This year, numbers permitting, we are going to have two divisions.  We are going to run and introduction clinic for kindergarten and 1st graders.   It is going to be the same as our clinic for all our other sports.   It will be 1 day a week for 6 weeks and the fee is $50.   It will start with basic skills, then we’ll move on to mini games.    The Flag Football Division Will NOT have a pre-season camp. They will have an assessment day prior to the start of their season; however, it will not be during Tackle Camp. This division will begin on August 19th. 

 Cost for the Flag football clinic is $50 and will start on  Wed. September 4th.   (NO Assessments)

 Cost for Flag Football 2nd-3rd will be $100.00.  Teams will practice up to 2x per week.  (Must attend assessments)

All of this is subject to change.   

Due to the declining participation in kids playing sports we must adapt to what works best for the total number of participants we have.

FEE for Flag Football Team Division

$100 includes: 1-2 practices/ per week, minimum of 8 games, Team jersey. 

$10 late fee added to anyone that registers after July 16th

Player Restrictions

Clinic:   K-1st 

Team Division:   2nd - 3rd Graders  

If you have a 1st grader that you believe will listen well and learn plays and hang with 3rd grader you can sign them up for the team division.  However, after assessments, if we feel they are better suited for the clinic we will let you know.

 ASSESSMENTS:  for Team division

August  19th -20th   6pm until 7:00

We will have 2 days of player assessment in order to evaluate players to make as balanced of teams as possible.

Players must attend at least 1 of the 2 assessment days.

Please contact us if you will be away on these days and we'll arrange another day.   Like one night during the previous 2 weeks.

Once teams are assigned we ask football coaches to practice on Mondays and/or Wednesdays.   However due to come coaches schedules there may be practice on other days.


August 19-20, 2024- Player Assessments

August 30st, 2024 - Opening Day and Jamboree           

We will run Jamboree as we have in the past.  All age groups will play several half games. Players will be introduced prior to the age groups block of games. 

October TDB, 2024 - Trick or Treat Night   - TBD

This is a very fun activity for the kids (much like a "Trunk or Treat"). Parents are asked to donate a bag of candy for their team table. Kids wear Halloween costumes and parade through the team tables. All are welcome to attend. 

End of season: We have not decided when the last games will be, but the season will NOT go into November.


Registration Status: 

Open Regular Registration: May-  July 14, 2024                                 

Late Registration:  July 30, 2024 -  August 19th, 2024 

Program Duration:  August 19, 2024 - October 2024 

Regular Registration Cost: $ 100.00 (Late registration $110)

Clinic Registration: $50